понедельник, 26 октября 2009 г.

Diagram: Greenhouse effect

In the Academic Writing Module you may be given to description about diagram or graph. You should spend only 20 minutes on this task and you should write at least 150 words. The next topic shows a simple. I tried to write this task. The name of Thema - "Greenhouse Effect". I can't show you diagramm becouse i don't have time to copy from book.

"Greenhouse Effect"

The diagram shows a process of climate changes. Everyday we use more and more fossil fuels for our daily lives. We are continue to cutting down forests. Soon after, the waste in the from of carbon dioxide and other gases emit hude clouds, which pollute the atmospgere. In result, the natural system is out of balance. The gases trap heat which would normally escape
into space, thus producing the 'greenhouse effect'. In this case, the warming increases water vapour in the air, and more heat is absorbed into the atmosphere. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to pour into the atmosphere unchecked, the world will warm rapidly. Rising temperatures will melt snow and ice, and sea levels will rise. Many of the Earth's cities are built on the coast, and a rise in sea level will spell disaster for them.

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